Saturday, February 28, 2009

Project One

DUE: TH 2/26
CRITIQUE: TH 2/26, TU 3/3

So much of Filipino-American history is buried, or invisible. Making visual work returns events to visibility. This is a warm-up project: its function is to focus on seeing, telling, imagining.

Please find an image (or multiple images, if you prefer) that you associate with Filipino/Filipino-American culture and/or history. The images can be family snapshots, friends, historical photos, food, sports, you name it. Go to the library. Use Google. Print/photocopy the images, ponder them a bit. You do not have to possess a deep knowledge of the image you choose, but it must compel you visually in some way. You are not expected to know everything about the image: making art is often an excuse to simply investigate a subject. This is about inquiry, and imagination.

This project is due in 3 weeks, and as such, you’re expected to invest about that much time outside of class on it. This will probably look like about 12-15 hours of work, including the time you take finding your images, and time to write a brief artist statement. It may take more, or less, but either way, your work should look resolved by its due date.

This is a 2-dimensional project on paper.
It should include some elements of drawing and hand-made elements (but it is not required to be entirely drawn.)
Scale, and number of sheets (1 is fine, some may want more) is up to you.