Thursday, April 2, 2009

Project Two: The Site of Memory

DUE: TU 4/7
CRITIQUE: TU 4/7, TH 4/9

“If writing (art-making) is thinking and discovery and selection and order and meaning, it is also awe and reverence and mystery and magic. I suppose I could dispense with the last four if I were not so deadly serious about fidelity to the milieu out of which I write and in which my ancestors lived.”

“…the crucial distinction for me is not the difference between fact and fiction, but the distinction between fact and truth.”
-Toni Morrison, The Site of Memory

As you begin Project 2, please consider the various resources you’ve absorbed in the past few weeks: work, eras and ideas covered in class, guest artists Carlos Villa and Mike Arcega, the I Hotel visit/readings/video, and the words of Toni Morrison. You may or may not want to see how the upcoming eras and readings (Becker, Desai, Friis-Hansen) provoke new ideas for you, as well. How do you interpret this notion of a “Site of Memory”, literally or figuratively? Is this attached to a highly personal experience, or is this governed by broader notions of politics or community? How can creative production, your creative production, be a way of responding to and reflecting on subjective, imaginative notions of history and memory?

Project 2 is an opportunity for you to sift through these resources and inspirations and create work that may go in a wide array of directions: while it’s preferable that you anchor your piece to a theme that is Filipino-/Filipino-American in nature, you are in fact free to interpret this broadly as long as you can authentically connect your work back to this class.

Project 2 should incorporate at least one non-traditional art material, and can be in any visual arts medium: this is your opportunity to experiment with other forms, strategies and media, so long as it feels appropriate and relevant to your project. Please continue to push yourself beyond your comfort zone with whatever material you choose.

Project 2 should also be an opportunity for you to take what you learned in Project 1, and advance your technical, editorial and compositional skills further. Project 2 should look like the culmination of 2-3 weeks of deep work, regardless of materials chosen. Your work should look completely resolved by its due date. If you are confused about this project, please set up a meeting with me.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Project One

DUE: TH 2/26
CRITIQUE: TH 2/26, TU 3/3

So much of Filipino-American history is buried, or invisible. Making visual work returns events to visibility. This is a warm-up project: its function is to focus on seeing, telling, imagining.

Please find an image (or multiple images, if you prefer) that you associate with Filipino/Filipino-American culture and/or history. The images can be family snapshots, friends, historical photos, food, sports, you name it. Go to the library. Use Google. Print/photocopy the images, ponder them a bit. You do not have to possess a deep knowledge of the image you choose, but it must compel you visually in some way. You are not expected to know everything about the image: making art is often an excuse to simply investigate a subject. This is about inquiry, and imagination.

This project is due in 3 weeks, and as such, you’re expected to invest about that much time outside of class on it. This will probably look like about 12-15 hours of work, including the time you take finding your images, and time to write a brief artist statement. It may take more, or less, but either way, your work should look resolved by its due date.

This is a 2-dimensional project on paper.
It should include some elements of drawing and hand-made elements (but it is not required to be entirely drawn.)
Scale, and number of sheets (1 is fine, some may want more) is up to you.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Welcome to WORLDS IN COLLISION: Filipino American Arts, Spring 2009!